In order to realize the vision of an Entrepreneurial University, the ANGEL Innovation and Business Acceleration Ecosystem Center (PEIAB) under the auspices of DPPK/UII Growth Hub opens opportunities for all levels of society who have an interest and competence in business planning to join as co-founders in the startup business pioneered by the UII academic community through Growth Academy activities entitled “ANGEL INNOVATION HACKATHON 2024” Accelerating Green Innovation & Impact.

This event is the first event of a series of flagship programs initiated by PEIAB ANGEL UII with the theme of green innovation in response to climate change issues that are increasingly real and become a serious challenge for every country, including Indonesia. Thus, businesses involved in the “ANGEL INNOVATION HACKATHON 2024” event are offers of business lines that are oriented towards sustainability.

The Growth Academy program is a bridge that connects innovators with co-founders to collaborate in creating solutions that can have a real impact on green innovation.

The series of Growth Academy activities was held on 2 separate days, namely Monday and Wednesday, December 2 and 4, 2024 and was attended by 4 innovators and 22 prospective co-founder participants divided into 5 teams. Some of the business categories that are members of this program are green economy, blue economy, digital economy, health beauty & wellness, agriculture & aquaculture, technology & manufacture, and creative industry.

The first day was a presentation session on startup business innovations by innovators as well as the formation of a team of co-founders who worked together in the formulation of business plans. Then the next day was a presentation session of business proposals from 5 teams formed and a growth academy awarding session and the signing of a memorandum of agreement by the parties involved. 

There are 3 business proposals that have successfully received funding from this program. Among them, the GEN EMAS team with the Bio-EOF startup business, the Banyu Mili Enterprise team with the LIMASKU startup business, and the Tiati team with the RS Pro G startup business.

With this program, it is hoped that UII can become a pillar that is able to contribute to efforts to realize a sustainable business ecosystem and participate in regulating environmental problems through collaboration with other important pillars.

Dalam rangka mewujudkan visi Entrepreneurial University, Pusat Ekosistem Inovasi dan Akselerasi Bisnis (PEIAB) ANGEL di bawah naungan DPPK/Simpul Tumbuh UII membuka kesempatan bagi seluruh lapisan masyarakat yang memiliki ketertarikan dan kompetensi dalam perencanaan bisnis untuk bergabung sebagai co-founder dalam bisnis startup yang dirintis oleh civitas akademika UII melalui kegiatan Growth Academy bertajuk “ANGEL INNOVATION HACKATHON 2024” Accelerating Green Innovation & Impact.

Acara ini adalah gelaran perdana rangkaian program unggulan yang diinisiasi oleh PEIAB ANGEL UII yang mengangkat tema green innovation (inovasi hijau) menanggapi isu perubahan iklim yang semakin nyata dan menjadi tantangan serius bagi setiap negara, termasuk Indonesia. Sehingga, bisnis yang terlibat dalam acara “ANGEL INNOVATION HACKATHON 2024” merupakan tawaran lini bisnis yang berorientasi pada aspek keberlanjutan.

Program Growth Academy menjadi jembatan yang menghubungkan inovator dengan para co-founder untuk berkolaborasi dalam menciptakan solusi yang dapat memberikan dampak nyata terhadap inovasi hijau

Rangkaian kegiatan Growth Academy dilaksanakan dalam 2 hari terpisah, yaitu Senin dan Rabu, 2 dan 4 Desember 2024 dan dihadiri oleh 4 inovator dan 22 peserta calon co-founder yang terbagi ke dalam 5 tim. Beberapa kategori bisnis yang tergabung dalam program ini adalah green economy, blue economy, digital economy, health beauty & wellness, agriculture & aquaculture, technology & manufacture, dan creative industry.

Hari pertama merupakan sesi presentasi inovasi bisnis startup oleh para inovator sekaligus pembentukan tim co-founder yang bekerja sama dalam perumusan rencana bisnis. Kemudian hari berikutnya merupakan sesi presentasi proposal bisnis dari 5 tim yang terbentuk dan sesi awarding Growth Academy serta penandatanganan nota kesepakatan oleh pihak-pihak yang terlibat. 

Terdapat 3 proposal bisnis yang berhasil mendapatkan pendanaan dari program ini. Diantaranya, tim GEN EMAS dengan bisnis startup Bio EOF, tim Banyu Mili Enterprise dengan bisnis startup LIMASKU, dan tim Tiati dengan bisnis startup RS Pro G.

Dengan program ini, diharapkan UII dapat menjadi pilar yang mampu berkontribusi dalam upaya perwujudan ekosistem bisnis berkelanjutan dan turut serta dalam meregulasi permasalahan lingkungan melalui kolaborasi dengan pilar-pilar penting lainnya.