Entries by Andhika Giri

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Sneak Preview of the Building Universities in Disaster Resilience (BUiLD) Project at the Erasmus+ Cluster Meeting in Jakarta

  Colleagues from Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Universitas Islam Indonesia (both Yogyakarta) and President University (Cikarang) attended the Erasmus+ Cluster meeting on the 27th November in Jakarta and gave a sneak preview of the BUiLD project just a few days before the official Kick-off meeting.  The project is aimed at delivering a comprehensive Disaster Resilience Framework across Indonesia’s higher education sector. This involves the creation of 8 Centres of Excellence in Disaster Resilience across Indonesia, the development of curriculum benchmarks for disaster management education, the delivery of disaster awareness training using virtual reality and the establishment of a national network for knowledge exchange, research and innovation and fundraising. Aligned with the aims of the Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education programme, the project will thus lead to the modernisation of university governance across Indonesia, improve the management and functioning of universities in crisis situations, and strengthen their external relationships. Led by the University of Gloucestershire (United Kingdom), the BUiLD project brings together eight universities from across Indonesia. In addition to UAD, UII and President University (all Java), these include Universitas Andalas (West Sumatera), Universitas Lambung Mangkurat (Kalimantan), Universitas Muhammadiyah Palu (Sulawesi), Universitas Khairun (North Maluku) and Universitas Surabaya (Java). The European partners are University College Copenhagen (Denmark), Institute Polytechnic Porto (Portugal) and Hafelakar (Austria). Sumber: http://disasterresilience.eu/sneak-preview-of-the-building-universities-in-disaster-resilience-build-project-at-the-erasmus-cluster-meeting-in-jakarta  


Role of Public Buildings as Logistics Centre in Relief Operation at Merapi’s 2010 Eruption

Juhri Iwan Agriawan dan Arif Wismadi Yogyakarta’s Merapi volcano eruption in 2010 is one of the major disasters in Indonesia, which resulted in 277 deaths, and affected almost 380,000 people during the emergency phase. For some time, the victims must deal with the low level of life quality in the temporary shelter with limited livelihood support. The complexity of donations flowing from the international level to the local community calls for a better logistics system, especially the logistics centre for the last mile distribution. This article describes the role of public buildings as logistics centre during the volcano eruption. Some challenges are discussed for further research. Sumber: https://books.google.co.id/books?id=LzLJmpboy94C&pg=PA99&lpg=PA99&dq=%22arif+wismadi%22+disaster&source=bl&ots=lhj0CVYdSd&sig=ACfU3U0JIfMQpQs-uAO8GeScztT4VWCgTg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwimhNm6irnwAhWRumMGHe4WDYAQ6AEwEXoECA8QAw#v=onepage&q=%22arif%20wismadi%22%20disaster&f=false